Test a Connection

The best way to test a newly created connection, or to verify if your store or warehouse credentials are correct, is to enable the connection and order imports, shipment imports and inventory sync (if available), and to import orders.

Store credentials may need to be updated if

  • No orders are imported from the store.
  • No shipments are exported to the store.
  • No inventory updates are exported to the store.

Warehouse credentials may need to be updated if

  • No orders are exported to the warehouse.
  • No shipments are imported from the warehouse.
  • No inventory updates are imported from the warehouse.

If those failures occur because of authorization errors, your credentials or permissions may be incorrect and need to be updated.

Note that there are other reasons why the failures may occur, such as temporary internet connectivity failures, website downtime, incorrect integration setup or mismatches between the SKUs used in the store and in the warehouse. In most cases, the failures trigger specific error messages that are indicative of the root cause and can distinguish between different types of problems.

When you create a new connection using a Connection Wizard, or update your store or warehouse credentials,  you can click the Test Connection button next to the credentials:


If PackageBee is able to connect to the store or warehouse using those credentials, a green "Success!" message is displayed, indicating that authentication was successful.

If PackageBee is not able to connect to the store or warehouse using those credentials, a red error message is displayed. This may mean that the credentials are incorrect, or that that the connection fails for other reasons, such as a temporary internet connectivity failure. In that case, you should import orders as explained above, and check for more specific error messages.

If you are still not sure if your connection is set up correctly, contact us!

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