Connections provide new features that offer greater control in how you manage Sales Orders.
In the Sales Orders view (Dashboard > Orders), you can search for orders, export your search results, and reprocess, reset, archive, or delete orders.
Search and filter orders
You can filter your Sales Orders by Date, Merchant, Store, and Fulfillment Status.
To add a filter to your search, place your cursor in the search field, and select an option from the filter dropdown menus.
Search and filter orders in PackageBee.
Orders that have the status Error, Filter, or Archived can be reprocessed. Reprocessing restarts the order process at the last successful action. If an order is in error when being sent to the warehouse, reprocessing that order retries sending the order to the warehouse.
To reprocess orders, check the box(es) next to the order(s), then click Reprocess.
Unlike reprocessing, which restarts the order process at the last successful action, resetting an order restarts the order processing from its original state when it was first imported.
To reset orders, check the box(es) next to the order(s), then click Reset.
If an order is in error when being sent to the warehouse because a rule was not applied in the expected manner, you should reset the order rather than reprocess it. Resetting executes all rules again as though the order were just imported.
Archiving an order removes it from the active order process. The order is still available in PackageBee, and can be reprocessed to restart the order process from the point at which the order was archived.
To archive orders, check the box(es) next to the order(s), then click Archive.
Deleting an order removes it from PackageBee.
To delete orders, check the box(es) next to the order(s), then click Delete.
Export to CSV
For convenience, you can export your search results as a CSV (comma-separated values) file, which can then be imported to any spreadsheet application.
To export the orders in your search results, click Export to CSV at the bottom of any search results page.
The exported CSV contains only the orders in your search results. To export all orders, make sure to reset the search by clicking the to the right of the search bar before you export the CSV.
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