Infusionsoft - Enable Custom Fields

Your PackageBee integration supports Infusionsoft custom fields, which can be used to track custom information about your orders, such as tracking number and ship date.

Follow these steps to create custom fields, and enable those fields in PackageBee.

  1. Create Custom Fields in Infusionsoft
  2. Enable Custom Fields in PackageBee

Create Custom Fields in Infusionsoft

  1. In Infusionsoft, click Admin Settings.
  2. At Set up custom fields for, select Order.

Set up the custom fields for: Order

  1. Click Go.
  2. In the Field drop-down menu, click Add.
  3. Provide a name for the field, and choose Text for the Field type.
  4. Click Save this field.
  5. Click View the field database names (for the API).

View the field database names (for the API)

  1. Retain the Database Names for Tracking Number and Ship Date.

Enable Custom Fields in PackageBee

  1. In your PackageBee Dashboard, click Stores.

In the PackageBee Dashboard, click Stores.

  1. Click the name of your Infusionsoft store.
  2. In Connection Details, enter the Tracking Number Field and Shipment Date Field names, exactly as they appear in Infusionsoft.
  3. Verify that the Pay Status is set correctly.

  1. Click Save changes.

Back to: Integration Overview

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