In order to enable API Access, the following credentials must be gathered:
- Datacenter Code
- Account ID
- API User Email
- API User Password
Datacenter Code
The Datacenter Code is the timezone selected during Brightpearl account creation.
Gathering Account ID
The Account ID is available in Brightpearl account settings.
Email and Password of API User
We recommend that you create a new user in Brightpearl specifically for the purpose of API communication.
To create a new Brightpearl user:
- In the Brightpearl application, click Setup > Add new staff member.
- Enter the required information to create the new user, then click Save.
- Click Staff / Users > List staff.
- For the newly created user, click Password to set the Password of the API user.
- Retain the Email and Password of the new user.
- On the List staff page, ensure the newly created user has a green check ✓ under the API column. If it does not, click the red X once.
Next: Enable API Access
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