DropStream's Sales Channel File Exchange can be used to send CSV-formatted orders to your warehouse.
How do I use DropStream SCFE?
To use the DropStream Sales Channel File Exchange, contact PackageBee Support at support@packagebee.com, and request more information about a DSCFE connection.
The following Flat File Specification describes how to format a CSV file tor setting up a DropStream SCFE connection.
Flat File Specification
DropStream SCFE files are formatted as variable-length, comma-delimited text.
There are three types of DropStream SCFE file:
- Order Files contain Pick Header (PH) and Pick Detail (PD) records.
- Shipment Files contain records about confirmed shipments.
- Inventory Files contain records comprising a snapshot of current inventory levels.
Order File format
Pick Header and Pick Detail records for a single order are grouped together in a single file, with Pick Header first, followed by its associated Pick Detail record(s).
The following is a picking order sample (PH and PD records). Each record occupies a single line in the file.
"PH","2016981433","12345678","JOAN HARRY","5050 Road N","","Waterloo","ON","N1N 1N1","CA","","555-666-7777","JOAN HARRY","5050 Road N","","Waterloo","ON","N1N 1N1","CA","Ground","P","","2020-03-07T00:00:00Z","AMZ","" "PD","2016981433","1","13358A","16","0.00" "PD","2016981433","2","2564A","6","0.00" "PD","2016981433","3","568955","6","0.00" "PD","2016981433","4","5666","6","0.00" "PD","2016981433","5","5665","4","0.00"
Pick Header ("PH") record
The Pick Header (PH) record contains the following values, in this order:
Field Name | Required (Y/N) | Notes/Value(s) |
Record Type | Y | "PH" |
ClientOrderNumber | Y | The number that is unique to this order as assigned by the source sales channel |
Customer PO Number | N | The purchase order number used by the customer when the goods were ordered |
Ship to Name | Y | |
Ship to Address1 | Y | |
Ship to Address2 | N | |
Ship to City | Y | |
Ship to Province/State | Y | Provide standard US Postal Service and international codes |
Ship to Postal/Zip Code | Y | |
Ship to Country | Y | ISO Alpha-2 |
Ship to Attention | N | |
Bill to Name | N | |
Bill to Address1 | N | |
Bill to Address2 | N | |
Bill to City | N | |
Bill to Province/State | N | Provide standard US Postal Service and international codes |
Bill to Postal/Zip Code | N | |
Bill to Country | N | ISO Alpha-2 |
Bill to Attention | N | |
Ship Method | Y | Ship Methods Code - Carrier & Service Level |
Ship Payment Type | N | Collect/Consignee = "C" Bill Recipient = "R" Third Party = "T" Prepaid = "P" (the default value if blank) |
Ship Pay Account Number | N | |
Order Date | N | Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" Example: "2020-03-07T00:00:00Z" |
Order Source | N | Order source used to identify different marketing channels |
Gift Message | N | Gift message to be printed on packing slip |
Pick Detail ("PD") record
The Pick Detail (PD) record has the following format:
Field Name | Required (Y/N) | Notes/Value(s) |
Record Type | Y | "PD" |
Client Order Number | Y | |
Order Line Sequence Number | N | When using sequence numbers EVERY line must be sequenced |
Product Code | Y | This code is typically different from the UPC and represents an internal code for the item. NOTE: Product SKUs may not contain a ~ (tilde) character. |
Quantity Ordered | Y | |
Unit Price | N | Format: "1234567.89" Example: "123.45" |
See the attached Sample Order File for an example of PH and PD records.
Examples by DropStream adapter version:
Sample Order File, DS adapter version 1
Shipment File format
Shipment confirmation files are sent to the FTP as a notification of orders and items that have shipped.
Field Name | Required (Y/N) | Notes/Value(s) |
ClientOrderNumber | Y | Order number from Pick Header |
DateTimeShipped | N | UTC Time. Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" Example: "2020-03-07T00:00:00Z" |
ProductCode | Y | Product SKU |
QuantityShipped | Y | Quantity shipped for this tracking number |
TrackingNumber | Y | Tracking number assigned for the ship method |
ShipMethod | Y | Carrier and Ship Method. For example: "UPS - Ground" |
See the attached Sample Shipment File for an example.
Inventory File format
The inventory snapshot file is sent to the FTP as a notification of inventory levels at the point in time the file was generated.
Field Name | Required (Y/N) | Notes/Value(s) |
ProductCode | Y | |
QtyAvailable | Y |
See the attached Sample Inventory File for an example.
Sample Files
- Order Files
- Sample_Order_File.csv
- ds_adapter_version_1_order_file_all_fields_filled.csv
- ds_adapter_version_2_order_file_all_fields_filled.csv
- ds_adapter_version_3_order_file_all_fields_filled.csv
- Shipment File
- Inventory File
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