Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are merchant-defined codes that uniquely identify products in a warehouse. It is critical that the SKUs defined in 3dcart exactly match the SKUs loaded into your fulfillment provider's warehouse management system.
Note: Duplicate SKUs could result in errors during fulfillment. 3dcart does not enforce SKU uniqueness, so you must ensure that the SKUs you enter are unique.
Add an SKU to a new product
- In your 3dcart administration panel, click Products > Add New.
- On the New Products page, for ID/SKU, enter a unique SKU.
Modify an existing product SKU
- In your 3dcart administration panel, click Products > View/Edit.
- On the New Products page, in the Products List, screen, locate the desired product and click Edit.
- For ID/SKU, enter a unique SKU.
Create SKUs for products with options
Products which have options (such as size or color) must have unique SKUs. 3dcart automatically combines the SKU and Part Number to create unique SKUs for all option combinations.
To add Part Numbers for product options:
- In your 3dcart administration panel, click Products > View/Edit.
- In the Products List page, locate the desired product, and click Edit.
- Click the Options tab.
- Enter a Part Number for each option.
For more about configuring product options, refer to the official 3dcart support site.
Next: Gather Shipping Methods
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