Infusionsoft - Gather API Credentials

In order to enable API access to Infusionsoft, follow these steps to gather the required credentials:

Gather Application Name

  1. Go to your Infusionsoft Admin panel.
  2. In the address bar of your web browser, the Application Name is the subdomain of the Admin panel URL (the part of the domain name preceding

Create administrator user

To create a new Infusionsoft user with administration privileges:

  1. In the Infusionsoft Admin panel, open the Admin module.
  2. Click Users > Add User.
  3. On the Add User(s) page, enter a name and email address for the user.

Add Infusionsoft user

  1. Click Send Email Invitation.
  2. When you receive the invitation, follow the instructions to create the new user and assign credentials. This Infusionsoft staff account must have Administration privileges.
  3. When user creation is complete, retain the administrator Username and Password that you created.

The user account must keep its administration privileges throughout the use of the integration.

Next: Enable API Access

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