BigCommerce - Gather API Credentials

In order to enable API access, gather the Store Hash, which uniquely identifies your BigCommerce store.

  1. Log in to BigCommerce.
  2. On the left side of your BigCommerce Dashboard, click Settings.
  3. Click Store-Level API Accounts.


  1. Click Create API Account.


  1. Make sure Token type is set to V2/V3 API token.
  2. Under API path, your Store Hash is the part of the URL that follows /stores/ and precedes /v3/.

    For example, if your API path is, then your Store Hash is abcde.

Note down this Store Hash.


OAuth Scopes

  1. For The API Account's OAuth Scopes, ensure the following minimum scopes are set:
Resource Access Level
Content Modify
Checkout content Modify
Customers Read-only
Customers login Login
Information & Settings Read-only
Marketing None
Orders Modify
Order transactions Modify
Create payments None
Get payment methods Read-only
Stored payment instruments Read-only
Products Read-only
Themes None
Carts Read-only
Checkouts Read-only
Sites & routes Read-only
Channel Settings Read-only
Channel Listings Read-only
Store Logs Read-only
Store Locations Read-only
Store Inventory Modify
Fulfillment Methods Read-only
Order Fulfillment Modify
Metafield Ownership None
Metafields Access Standard
  1. When you're done, click Save.
  2. In the API Credentials screen, note down the Client ID, Client Secret, and Access Token and store them securely. Then click Done.

API credentials

Next: Enable API Access

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