Magento 2 - Gather API Credentials

In order to enable API Access to Magento 2, the following credentials must be gathered:

  • Access token
  • Store URL

Access token

  1. Log in to your Magento administration panel.
  2. Click System > Integrations.

In Magento 2 Admin, click System, Integrations.

  1. Click Add New Integration.

Magento 2: Add new integration

  1. Enter PackageBee as the Integration Name, and enter Your Password. Click Save.

Magento 2: Name integration, enter password, Save.

  1. Under Available APIs, for Resource Access, select All. Click Save.

Magento 2: Under Available APIs, Resource Access, select all. Click save.

  1. Activate the PackageBee integration.

Magento 2: Activate PackageBee integration.

  1. When prompted, click Allow for API access.

Magento 2: Allow API access.

  1. Retain the Access Token to enter in PackageBee.

Magento 2: Retain PackageBee integration access token.

Store URL

The Store URL to be entered in PackageBee is the base URL of your Magento store.

For details about your Store URL, see Magento 2 User Guide: Store URLs.

Next: Enable API Access

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