UltraCart - Gather API Credentials

In order to enable API access, the following credentials must be gathered:

Merchant ID

In the UltraCard Dashboard, retain the Merchant ID displayed at the top-right.

Distribution Center Code

In UltraCart, click Configuration > Shipping. For an existing distribution center, the distribution center code is displayed on this page.

API Code

  1. For an existing distribution center, click Edit.

Edit a distribution center

  1. Scroll down to Web Service (SOAP).
  2. Retain the Access Key. This is your API Code.
  3. Ensure Bidirectional is set to Yes. This will enable PackageBee to send tracking numbers to UltraCart.
  4. Ensure that Send Payment information is set to No. This will ensure that UltraCart does not send credit card information to PackageBee.

Next: Enable API Access

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